Photo Day(s) is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, 5/18 and 5/19. Stay
tuned for your teams' individual and team photo schedule which will
occur right before or after your scheduled game that weekend. This
information will be distributed by the head coaches shortly.
Photographers will be set up at the ELL field complex.
To ensure the smoothest photo ordering process, we encourage families to
use the online link and ELL picture day ID below. Hardcopy order forms were also distributed along with the 2019 Annual and they will be available the day of your session.
website: https://order.lifetouchsports.com/
Your Picture Day ID: WL158237X0
note that you are not obligated to purchase any photo product, however,
we strongly encourage full team participation since this is when we
take the team photo for the Sponsorship Plaque that we give to all our
generous team sponsors.